I wrote about a young girl last year called Maurine who, due to poor/mis-treatment of meningitis, had been in an almost vegetative state for 5 years. David and I had taken her to hospital to see if anything could be done for her, and unfortunately we were told that she could have a CT scan, and possibly remove fluid on her brain, but that it wouldn’t make any difference to her quality of life... And, the reality was, we were waiting for her to die.
When I came back to work after being off for a few weeks over Christmas I’d noticed that Maurine was much more alert than she had been previously. Although, no expression, she was now following people around the room with her eyes and seemed more ‘awake’ to the world.
3 weeks ago Maurine spoke for the first time in 5 years.
Last week she was shouting at the Occupational Therapist during her session full sentences in Kiswahili. “I’ll pinch you if you don’t stop!!” “My back hurts the most”...
Last week she asked me my name and could tell me that she was called Maurine.
She is constantly talking to her mum and being very demanding... We’re all like ‘keep telling us what to do Maurine, keep shouting!’
Maurine has a severe physical disability, and is unable to fully extend her arms – for the last 5 years she has had them curled up to her chest, now she can put her hand out to shake mine as a greeting.
Never in my short career as a Speech and Language Therapist have I ever come across a recovery like this.
The OT has worked in this field for over 20 years, and has never come across a recovery like this.
And the best thing is... Maurine has told us what school she wants to go to. And more than likely, she’ll go there.